I wanted to let you know how wonderful my experience was purchasing my town home in Mainland Square was. From my initial meeting with Amy, to my settlement with Jackie the entire process went smoothly. Jack was more than accommodating to the changes I asked him to do structurally and cosmetically to my model. I had exhibits sent to me within a day or two of our discussions. DJ and Brian worked tirelessly to install my appliances, which I purchased myself. Again, no one told me no to anything I asked to do, they went over and above for me.
All too often, people are quick to criticize and complain when building a new home. I honestly cannot say one bad thing about my experience. My home is everything I wanted, and more! I’m looking forward to living many happy years here!
I thought it was important for you to know that you have really good people working for you here. They proudly represent your name and company, holding your standards high.
Cheryl, Harleysville