Just wanted to drop you a note to let you know how much we love our new home at Caralea. Our experience has been as stress free as any move to a new home can be.
We’ve been very impressed with this experience from the start. Pat offered us all the information we needed to make choices for finishes in a very comfortable environment with what would seem to be experience with your communities. Marco, of course, blew us way with selling our home in four days from internet presence.
Our walk through was almost a non-event. The two issues we encountered later were taken care of or will be taken care of shortly (pesky master closet design issue). Credit to Brad and Tony on the annoying chandelier issue. Credit also to Pat for hearing our concerns and passing them along as needed.
As of today, our cumulative punch list for the 10 month check is not long or serious.
As we came to watch our house come to completion, it was amazing to us to see such progress, so quickly. It was almost worrisome.
Since we’ve moved in, we watch with wonder as your employees work tirelessly and with such attention to detail that we are forced to ask – what the heck do you do for them to have them perform this symphony on a daily basis??
So, Bill, all in all, thanks for providing us with this wonderful experience and we welcome the opportunity to welcome any prospects you have for the Caroline into our home if it will help them understand what the finished unit looks like.
Alex and Lori at Village of Caralea