Jack Boyd | Project Manager of the Year
As Project Manager and V.P. of Operations, Jack has earned himself a substantial amount of responsibility in his 20+ years with W.B Homes, which he manages with great care and proficiency. Currently, Jack is overseeing two active neighborhoods and the beginning phases of two brand new communities.
As a local, hometown builder, our homeowners have always been our #1 priority. This core value is whole-heartedly embodied through Jack, who spends a significant amount of time with homebuyers and prospects. He can frequently be found on site conducting extensive lot walks where he, in detail, describes the construction process and answers any additional questions that may come up. Afterwards, he offers his personal contact information and tells them he is always available as a resource, even if they decide to purchase elsewhere. This level of care and expertise puts people at ease during the home building process, an otherwise overwhelming and daunting task.
Jack also believes a homebuyer’s new home should have its own personal stamp, which is why he does his best to accommodate any custom request a buyer is envisioning for their new home.
His additional responsibilities include custom pricing, product design, and assisting in the day-to-day function of the company. Overall, Jack is a master of his craft and thoroughly enjoys helping people build their new home. He truly is an irreplaceable asset to the continued success of W.B. Homes.