Moving? Here’s Our New Home Checklist
So your perfectly planned dream home is now complete. Designed to meet all of your must have’s, it is everything that you wanted and you can’t wait to settle into your beautiful new home!
The hard part is done right? We’ll not quite. There is one big, important thing remaining.
Moving in…
Moving into any new home requires some preparation and work. Organizing the perfect move for your beautiful new home it is no different.
Here is our home move in checklist to make your move into that beautiful new home as perfect as the home itself:
- Plan a Move Date, but Be Flexible: Make sure you include room in your plan in case of weather event or mover related delays.
- Make your Change of Address Now: Provide your change of address notice to the Post Office to avoid interruptions in subscriptions and mail. Don’t forget your drivers license and voter registration. Be sure to notify your bank(s) and credit cards.
- Transfer Utilities: Contact gas and electric, water, telephone, internet and cable TV providers for your old service to set shut off dates and turn on service at the new home with the appropriate providers. (Make sure you note when you made these changes in a place you can refer to later. Identify the day, time, who you spoke to and the results of that conversation).
- Identify and Store Important Documents – Before the Move: Paper in boxes can easily be mistaken for trash in the midst of your move. Store your important documents in a place where this can be avoided.
- Create a Staging Area for Packed Boxes: Organize the staging area by room so that the movers can put the boxes you so carefully labeled in the right area.
- Know What Has to Go: Decide what things you have collected will make the move and which will not. Don’t move items to your new home that you’ll have to move a second time to storage or to donate.
Donate items you will not move: Many of the things that won’t make your move will be welcome at Impact, Purple Heart or others. Donate these items before the move. Be sure to get receipts for your donations. - Know Your Neighborhood: Update emergency information for your new address. Get address and phone numbers for the nearest hospital, police and fire station. If you have pets, locate a vet and animal hospital in your new neighborhood.
- Relax: Your checklist is ready and its time to move into your new home.
The house of your dreams is ready and now so are you to make the perfect move. Check off the items for a stress free move. Then go meet your neighbors and start your new life in your new neighborhood.
Tags: checklist, help, moving, new home, packing, tips and trends