A Passion for Education | W.B. Homes and Technical Teaching -

A Passion for Education | W.B. Homes and Technical Teaching

W.B. Homes is excited to partner with the newly formed Workforce Development Committee of the HBA of Bucks/Montgomery Counties. 

Our close involvement with vocational/technical education was a natural choice and a direct result of Bill Bonenberger’s, President and Founder of W.B. Homes, experience and education at Williamson College of the Trades (formerly The Williamson Free School of Mechanical Trades).  Bill has served on the Board of Trustee of Williamson College of the Trades since 2003 and became Chairman of the Board in 2016.

As every individual is different, so is their career path.  Continued education is very important, but the traditional college path is not the best for everyone. That is why we believe it is important to educate parents, school guidance counselors, and students about the amazing opportunities we have right here in the Philadelphia area. It is also important to challenge the old stereotypes that are associated with vocational and technical education.

While we participate in and encourage the W.B. team to volunteer for causes that are important to them, several work closely to promote education in the construction industry.

Steve and Bill - W.B. HomesW.B. Homes donated their time and talent to Williamson by overseeing the design and construction of the new Watson Dorm that was dedicated in June 2018.  It was a labor of love for W.B.’s Project Manager and 1995 graduate of Williamson, Steve Cava.  Most recently Steve worked closely with a commercial general contractor to oversee the $4 million-dollar renovation of Williamson’s largest and oldest building, Rowan Hall, and the expansion of the main dining room. Steve also sits on Williamson’s Building & Grounds committee.

Two times a year, Williamson hosts a career fair on campus. Companies from all over the United States attend just to have the opportunity to hire a Williamson grad. Since there are usually over 100 companies in attendance for 75-85 seniors, the underclassmen are also in great demand for internships. What other college do you know where you graduate college debt free and have several career opportunities before you walk across the stage on graduation day?

As a member of the Advisory Committee for Souderton School District Pathway 360, Chris Canavan, Sr. Vice President of W.B. Homes, uses his expertise to provide career information and guidance for students grades 9-12. The ACE (Architecture, Construction & Engineering) class visited a W.B construction site two times this past year to be exposed to an active building site. Our Senior Project Manager, Bruce Baldus, discussed the stages of construction, safety rules, regulations, and the students were able to ask questions.

Janet Bonenberger served on the board at Mercy Technical and Career High School for 7 years and was chair of their Advancement Committee. Mercy is the only Catholic, co-ed vocational high school in the country. It offers high school students the opportunity to learn skills for contemporary job options upon graduation.

As the baby boomer generation continues to retire, we feel it is more important now to educate our young men and woman in the vocational/technical fields and to pass along decades of knowledge to inspire the next generation.

Williamson.edu – Williamson College of the Trades

Sahs.soudertonsd.org – Souderton School District Pathways 360

Mercycte.org – Mercy Technical & Career High School

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